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I.B. History I

What My Grade Means

The IB Modern European History class is part of the IB Diploma course and is therefore marked on the 1-7 scale. Below you will find the general Group 3 descriptors for each level, taken directly from the IBO. If you attain one of the below scores, it means that your assessment work has fully demonstrated this descriptor. You should use these descriptors to see what your grade means and what you need to work on to improve your attainment.
Grade 7Demonstrates conceptual awareness, insight, and knowledge and understanding which are evident in the skills of critical thinking; a high level of ability to provide answers which are fully developed, structured in a logical and coherent manner and illustrated with appropriate examples; a precise use of terminology which is specific to the subject; familiarity with the literature of the subject; the ability to analyze and evaluate evidence and to synthesize knowledge and concepts; awareness of alternative points of view and subjective and ideological biases, and the ability to come to reasonable, albeit tentative, conclusions;consistent evidence of critical reflective thinking; a high level of proficiency in analyzing and evaluating data or problem solving.
Grade 6Demonstrates detailed knowledge and understanding; answers which are coherent, logically structured and well developed; consistent use of appropriate terminology; an ability to analyze, evaluate and synthesize knowledge and concepts; knowledge of relevant research, theories and issues, and awareness of different perspectives and contexts from which these have been developed; consistent evidence of critical thinking;an ability to analyze and evaluate data or to solve problems competently.
Grade 5Demonstrates a sound knowledge and understanding of the subject using subject-specific terminology;answers which are logically structured and coherent but not fully developed; an ability to provide competent answers with some attempt to integrate knowledge and concepts; a tendency to be more descriptive than evaluative although some ability is demonstrated to present and develop contrasting points of view; some evidence of critical thinking; an ability to analyse and evaluate data or to solve problems.
Grade 4Demonstrates a secure knowledge and understanding of the subject going beyond the mere citing of isolated, fragmentary, irrelevant or “common sense” points; some ability to structure answers but with insufficient clarity and possibly some repetition; an ability to express knowledge and understanding in terminology specific to the subject; some understanding of the way facts or ideas may be related and embodied in principles and concepts; some ability to develop ideas and substantiate assertions; use of knowledge and understanding which is more descriptive than analytical; some ability to compensate for gaps in knowledge and understanding through rudimentary application or evaluation of that knowledge;an ability to interpret data or to solve problems and some ability to engage in analysis and evaluation.
Grade 3Demonstrates some knowledge and understanding of the subject; a basic sense of structure that is not sustained throughout the answers; a basic use of terminology appropriate to the subject; some ability to establish links between facts or ideas; some ability to comprehend data or to solve problems.
Grade 2Demonstrates a limited knowledge and understanding of the subject; some sense of structure in the answers; a limited use of terminology appropriate to the subject; a limited ability to establish links between facts or ideas; a basic ability to comprehend data or to solve problems.
Grade 1Demonstrates very limited knowledge and understanding of the subject; almost no organizational structure in the answers; inappropriate or inadequate use of terminology; a limited ability to comprehend data or to solve problems.

All summative assessments will be evaluated using rubrics directly from or derived from the IB History Exam. This will allow you to become familiar with the expectations and help improve your analytical writing. Here is a copy of the new assessment rubric that will be used for all on demand in-class essays as an example.



0 Marks

Answers do not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.


1-3 Marks

There is little understanding of the demands of the question. The response is poorly structured or, where there is a recognizable essay structure, there is a minimal focus on the task. Little knowledge of the world history topic is present. The student identifies examples to discuss, but these examples are factually incorrect, irrelevant or vague. The response contains little or no critical analysis. The response may consist mostly of generalizations and poorly substantiated assertions


4-6 Marks

The response indicates some understanding of the demands of the question. While there may be an attempt to follow a structured approach, the response lacks clarity and coherence. Knowledge of the world history topic is demonstrated but lacks accuracy and relevance. There is a superficial understanding of historical context. The student identifies specific examples to discuss, but these examples are vague or lack relevance. There is some limited analysis, but the response is primarily narrative/descriptive in nature rather than analytical.


7-9 Marks

The response indicates an understanding of the demands of the question, but these demands are only partially addressed. There is an attempt to follow a structured approach. Knowledge of the world history topic is mostly accurate and relevant. Events are generally placed in their historical context. The examples that the student chooses to discuss are appropriate and relevant. The response makes links and/or comparisons (as appropriate to the question). The response moves beyond description to include some analysis or critical commentary, but this is not sustained.


10-12 Marks

The response indicates an understanding of the demands of the question, but these demands are only partially addressed. There is an attempt to follow a structured approach. Knowledge of the world history topic is mostly accurate and relevant. Events are generally placed in their historical context. The examples that the student chooses to discuss are appropriate and relevant. The response makes links and/or comparisons (as appropriate to the question). The response moves beyond description to include some analysis or critical commentary, but this is not sustained.


13-15 Marks

Responses are clearly focused, showing a high degree of awareness of the demands and implications of the question. Responses are well structured and effectively organized. Knowledge of the world history topic is accurate and relevant. Events are placed in their historical context, and there is a clear understanding of historical concepts. The examples that the student chooses to discuss are appropriate and relevant and are used effectively to support the analysis/evaluation. The response makes effective links and/or comparisons (as appropriate to the question). The response contains clear and coherent critical analysis. There is an evaluation of different perspectives and this evaluation is integrated effectively into the answer. All, or nearly all, of the main points are substantiated, and the response argues to a consistent conclusion.

The conversion from an IB Score and the A-F scale we use here at Tualatin is not an exact science and is subject to change based on bi-annual Examiner Reports released by the IBO. Here is the current conversion to help you convert your scores to a letter grade. Please see Mr. Johnson if you have any questions.















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